“What is the negative belief you hold about yourself, your life, your future because of a past hurtful event?”
All of us at times are limited by fears and beliefs that become part of us because of past (and present) physical and/or emotional hurtful events.
These events hold us back from experiencing who we truly are.
There is a ‘Higher Being’ in our subconscious mind who has a different, more positive perspective on those events, which is often hidden because of its subconscious nature.
This newer EFT process engages our ‘Higher Being,’ allowing access to this new perspective at a conscious level. Now, the negativity can be tapped away using EFT, leaving only the positivity to be tapped in by“Tapping in the Good”. In effect, the limiting belief that has been holding us back is realigned with “our truth” and success becomes possible.
This process has been used to dispel limiting beliefs about trauma, pain, relationships, addictions, weight management and more.
We begin by asking the question “What is the negative belief you hold about yourself/life/future because of this event?”…and we proceed from there.
These sessions are for:
- Anyone who wishes to change core-beliefs that have limited their success in achieving transformation.
- Anyone who has any limiting belief that is holding them back from succeeding in any endeavor
- Anyone who doesn’t know EFT but would like to learn.
- Anyone who wants to add to their knowledge about EFT.
- Practitioners who wish to add another transformational tool to further assist clients to attain their goals, while learning to attain their own.
Cost: 2 sessions for a total of $150. (Each session is $75.00. Cash and checks)
Sessions are a week apart.
For registration call 925-408-8644, or send an email to: tap_it_down@yahoo.com. For more information please visit: http://www.tapitdown.com.