Addressing Limiting Beliefs with EFT
Who has taught you that you are not “good enough” and how is it you’ve come to believe that? What is keeping you from reaching your highest potential? What is it that you THINK you really want on a conscious level, but you are sabotaged by your subconscious mind because it doesn’t agree? And WHY does your subconscious do that? Exactly WHAT can we do to address that?
Attend this meeting to find out…
This is the third in our monthly meet-ups occurring the second Thursday of each month at HCH in Lafayette. Tonight we address the idea of resistance to change due to our limiting beliefs, what is a limiting belief, how this happened in our lives, and how we can use EFT/MTT to eliminate these controlling thoughts.
In the last 30 minutes, this process is combined this with a hypnotic journey that allows our subconscious mind to recognize when a limiting belief is a work, so it can be quickly dispelled.
As a group, we will work through individual issues using the “Choices” EFT technique to help mitigate those issues.
Thursday, June 13, 2013, 7:00 PM
Price: $10.00 per person at the door (cash/check only)
3702 Mt. Diablo Blvd
Lafayette, CA 94549
For directions to HCH: go to
To RSVP call Carolyn at 925-408-8644, or call HCH directly 925-283-3941. And if you’re unable to RSVP just come — there’s always room.
Carolyn S. Rigiero, CCHT, EFT-Adv
Carolyn is a long-time instructor at HCH, teaching within the Hypnotherapy Training course as well as the EFT courses, both beginning and advanced. Her website is:
According to facilitator Carolyn S. Rigiero, CCHT:
“Although traditional EFT has its place, I have found time and again
that the “Choices” EFT technique
is much more empowering and positive for the client.”