Many of my clients feel stuck in their life and circumstances.
They are asking for change and often for miracles. Indeed, who hasn’t asked for a miracle at one point or another in their life?
The question is, will the experience of such a miracle really be the answer you are looking for?
Let’s first look at what a miracle really is…
A miracle is defined as a surprising and welcoming event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine source.
It is is also explained as an event that elevates us or the energy of a situation, which allows us to clearly see an influence through higher forces. We have received new insights into the meaning of the ordinary events in our life.
To me, a miracle is a confirmation that divine presence is interacting with you and/or your life.
Now, that we are clear on what a miracle actually is the next question that arises is: “Why do we need a confirmation from the divine that we are special and living a magical life?
We often ask for miracles, for confirmation from the divine, because very few of us truly remember who they are, where they come from and what their purpose is in life. We are disconnected from our source/God. We feel helpless and stuck, often victimized, in our life’s circumstances.
Intellectually we might understand that we are eternal and have a soul purpose.
Unfortunately, we are at a loss on how to transform this knowledge into wisdom so it can move from our heads to our hearts. As a result we get lost in our every day life, patterns, problems and routines.
This makes us forget that our existence, life itself…
is already a miracle
When we can make the connection between our minds and our hearts we can find the miracles and bliss in all moments. One way I can make this heart connection is by going into my Akashic Records. I don’t even have to ask a question every time. Just feeling the loving, non judgmental energy will shift my own energy from my thoughts into love and peace.
It also works for me to go into nature.
When I am being connected to mother earth I can slow down my “busyness and doingness” into a state of calm presence and just being.
So how do we shift out of a stuck place and stagnant energy?
We connect to who we truly are.
We forget for a moment about all the errands, appointments and the lists we have and take time to recognize that the real miracle has already arrived. It’s YOU!
“You are the Miracle”
Most of you just don’t know it yet.