So you want to get better results with EFT?
Take a hint from Nike and “Just do it.”
Don’t use the same old excuses of needing more free time or feeling like you need to “get good at it” before you try it on anyone else. The only sure-fire way to improve your skills is to do EFT – and to do it a lot.
If you make it your goal to do EFT every single day and follow the tips outlined below you’ll find yourself getting amazing results before you know it.
Tap Everywhere You Go
Instead of distracting yourself with time-consuming games and apps on your phone while you wait in line at the bank – just start tapping.
Stuck in traffic? Another great opportunity to tap!
If you are afraid that other people will think you are weird, just imagine that your are tapping (many people have reported that imagining tapping works as well as physically tapping on the body), or start making lists of things that you want to tap on later in private.
You can also experiment with tapping only on the less conspicuous points (like the collarbone, three fingers down from the wrist, or at the tops of your fingertips) if you feel embarrassed to tap on all your head and face in public.
It’s Easier Than You Think to Find Things to Tap On
You don’t have to limit your tapping to just emotionally traumatic issues, you can use EFT to address any challenges you may be facing – even minor day-to-day annoyances are perfect opportunities for you to practice tapping.
- Somebody cut you off on the highway?
- Trouble at work?
- Kids driving you nuts?
- Angry at your partner?
- Toilet clogged?
Identify how you are feeling about the situation, start tapping, and don’t stop tapping until you feel better.
Get a Tapping Notebook
Keep a notebook in your backpack or purse and one next to your bed so that it is convenient for you to make lists of issues that you would love to resolve with tapping.
Commit to tapping for one issue on your list per day.
If you can’t think of anything upsetting to tap on, identify any areas of your life that you would like to improve upon and commit to tapping on the aspect which you would like to improve the most.
Challenge Yourself
You don’t grow by staying within your comfort zone.
If tackling your toughest problem with EFT seems far-fetched, challenge yourself to tap on it. If nothing else has worked in the past, then you’ve got nothing to lose. If you try tapping on an issue that you feel will be difficult, even if you tap on something that you don’t think is within your ability to treat with EFT, you may surprise yourself by actually getting results.
Let’s say you have been trying to lose weight for as long as you can remember, you’ve tried all the fad diets and nothing has worked. You may have heard that other people have used EFT to lose weight but you may be thinking “There’s no way this stupid tapping is going to help me lose weight.”
Dare yourself to try tapping for the issue anyway.
If you begin to feel emotional when you think about addressing your problem just tap while expressing whatever is on your mind.
Tap Spontaneously
It isn’t necessary to plan out your set-up or reminder phrases first.
Big mental breakthroughs can even happen when you are mindlessly tapping – that is, tapping on your EFT points without any particular issue in mind. If you start feeling emotional, or a certain thought or memory does come to mind, go ahead and blurt out whatever is on your mind as you continue to tap until you feel calm and relaxed.
Get Out of Your Own Way
Your best work, the work that you will get most excited about, and that other people will seem to enjoy and respond to the most, will occur when you get out of your own way.
Don’t pressure yourself into thinking you’ve got to get amazing results every single time you tap, because if you sit down and think “I’ve got to get amazing results” then you’re getting in your own way. Forget about trying to impress anyone.
The key to getting out of your own way it to suspend any judgments you may have about the outcome of the tapping.
When you are able to do that, you are guaranteed to achieve better results.
Tap with Other People
Although it may seem a bit daunting at first, if you do EFT with two or three different people every single day – even if you only know the basics of EFT – in about a month, you will be much more skilled than when you started.
Hold yourself accountable, if you decide your goal is to do EFT with three people a day and you fall behind, or miss a day, you’ve got to make sure you make up for it the next day. Doing EFT in a group setting is a great way to tap with other people. Use the internet to help you find other people in your area who want to work on their tapping and start a local tapping group.
Everybody Has Off Days
Pretty much everyone experiences times when they just aren’t happy with any of the results they’re producing.
It happens! And it’s okay!
But if do go through a bit of a rut it doesn’t mean you should stop tapping all together. You aren’t going to beat the rut by not tapping. Just accept the fact that, no matter how much experience you have, not every EFT session is going to produce awesome results. If you keep tapping everyday, and spend some time each day with your tapping notebook, it’ll be hard for you NOT to get better results!
Just Keep Tapping!
Advanced use of EFT involves creativity, and creativity is very much like a muscle. If you want that muscle to become strong, you’ve got to use it every day. If you fall out of the habit of doing EFT every day, it can feel like a lot of work to start doing it again. Muscles weaken much faster than they grow.
So, keep tapping and sooner or later your results will speak for themselves!