Does the idea of marketing or sales seem a bit distasteful to you? Do you feel like a "fish out of water" or uncomfortable when it comes to marketing your practice? On this audio I talk about the difference between marketing and sales, and share with you an approach to ... Continued
Google vs Facebook for Marketing Your Practice
In this short video I detail some key differences between Google vs Facebook, and share how those differences impact your ability to get new clients for your practice when it comes to marketing. Enjoy... I hope you found this video helpful. Please feel free to share ... Continued
Holistic Practitioner Marketing Survey
Do you mind if I ask you a question? When it comes to marketing your practice online what is your greatest challenge? The reason I'm asking is because I've pretty much wrapped up a book about how practitioners like you can generate more leads from their website, and before ... Continued
How to Get Leads Online for Your Practice
Looking for how to get leads online for your practice? If you have a website for your business or practice the short answer is probably "YES." In this short video I'll show you some basic mistakes when it comes to getting folks to contact your business AFTER they find you ... Continued
Acupuncture Websites and Getting More Clients
In this short video I share tips for how to get more clients thru your website. When it comes to acupuncture websites make sure you have a clearly marked page called "Contact." And give people more than 1 way to contact your office. In this video I share my frustrations in ... Continued