First, we only accept ORIGINAL content
So please do not send in copies of articles that you have already published online.
You can send in other articles you may have already written before, provided that you edit them before submitting them to us, or if they have never been posted online before.
Your article should be between 400 and 750 words
You can send in longer articles if you want to, but ideally that is the length we are looking for. You can also share links to YouTube videos as well.
However, for keeping people engaged with your article we have found that focusing on ONE key point or theme tends to work best. So if your article is running a bit long consider breaking it up into Part 1, Part 2, etc.
You get the idea.
Please provide us with an author bio
A good bio should be about of 3 to 4 sentences long.
And be sure to include a link to your blog, website, facebook page, whatever you like. Each article posted will contain your “author box” providing readers with your contact information should they want to reach out to you.
Please use
for submitting your content…
One final point
You retain the copyright for articles you send for publication on the site.
We do reserve the right to “gently” edit your content, including adding an image, editing the title for better keyword targeting, and slight copy edits for grammar, punctuation, etc.
We also reserve the right not to publish articles that do not fit our editorial guidelines or that are not a good fit for our website.
And thanks again for considering our Featured Contributor program.