Thank you for your interest in our Featured Writer program.
Below you will find 3 documents for your review:
- Submission Guidelines
- Writer’s Agreement
- W-9 for tax purposes
Please download and review the information.
When you are ready to submit articles for the site please fax to our office the signed Writer’s Agreement and the W-9 form. Our fax number is 866-274-0406.
There are three more points to remember. First, we only accept ORIGINAL content.
So please do not send in copies of articles that you have already published online. You can send in other articles you may have written, as long as they have never been posted online.
Second, your article should be between 250 and 400 words. Those work best for online readership.
Finally, please provide us with an author bio of 3 to 4 sentences when you send your first article, including link(s) to your website or blog. This will appear below every article that is published on the site.
If you have any questions regarding the Agreement or writer’s program please let me know.
Also, please consider “Liking” Alternative Medicine Now on Facebook.
Thanks again for considering our Featured Writer program. We look forward to having you join the team…