Emotional Freedom Technique, developed by Gary Craig, is “Emotional Acupuncture Without Needles.” EFT is a powerful transformational tool. It involves tapping on specific acupoints while using focused affirmations and intention to alleviate emotional and physical distress.
It can be used on just about every emotional, health and performance issue you can imagine.
Experience the benefits of this proven technique and “power tool” that works with subtle energy through the tapping technique. You can begin your journey of freedom from painful feelings, issues, negative emotions and effects of most traumas.
EFT can be utilized conjointly with more traditional psychotherapy approaches and may reduce the amount of time needed to spend in psychotherapy.
EFT has successfully been used for stress reduction, alleviation of fears and phobias, pain management, grief, Performance Enhancement in sports and creative arts, weight loss, smoking cessation, and PTSD.
EFT is a gentle, yet powerful approach for healing to occur.
It is easy to learn and is EMPOWERING!
The following services are offered:
- Consultation and Mentoring for Professionals
- Professional Training
- Seminars and Workshops for everyone
- EFT sessions (office and phone)
- Individual and Group
Talk Therapy
Each person goes into therapy for different reasons, so each needs a personalized therapy plan.
Whether you have a sudden crisis, longstanding problems, childhood wounds, relationship issues, or simply want to feel more at peace, it is my belief that our healing work together will help you design your life’s tapestry to:
- Maximize your potential to meet your goals
- Find meaning and purpose
- Increase your ability to cope and enjoy daily living
- Release regrets
- Develop a rich inner life
- Understand core beliefs and heal old wounds
- Discover strengths and inner resources
Call me for an Appointment…
Karen L. Arthur, LCSW, BCD
212.947.7111, ext.364
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