We all want to live a long time, just as long as we can stay relatively healthy. As we get older, it seems to be human nature to spend more time thinking about improving our diet, how to avoid injuries, new vitamin regimens, and even ways to breeze through our next ... Continued
Archives for February 2011
Are Carpal Tunnel Massage Treatments Effective?
In the United States alone over 8 Million people suffer from carpal tunnel. It can affect your quality of life, job performance, and the way you spend and enjoy your free time. So what exactly is carpal tunnel syndrome? And what treatment options are available to you if you ... Continued
Effective EFT Tapping Technique – The Art of Delivery
The real skill in applying EFT involves an understanding of the “art of delivery.” The term “art of delivery,” coined by EFT founder Gary Craig, refers to the skillful application of EFT – a step beyond “mechanical EFT.” This article will introduce you to a few of the most ... Continued
Chinese Traditional Medicine is More Than Acupuncture
When you talk about Chinese medicine, most people think about acupuncture. What they may not know is that Chinese medicine involves many forms of healing, of which acupuncture is perhaps the best-known. However, acupuncture is only one way in which Chinese medical ... Continued