When you think of the word “connecting” what does this mean to you and to what are you connecting to?
When you are connected, you are in true alignment between Self and Creator/Source/God, it is from here that all things simply flow naturally in your life.
In other words, you are Connected to the Rhythms of your Life.
But what happens when things Don’t flow smoothly?
What about when you experience bouts of frustrations, worries and doubts, fears or anger or any other negative, less than positive emotion, how do you get your Self back on track?
How to Get Connected with Yourself
You Connect!
When you are in rhythm with your life, all things just naturally and abundantly flow. Use this as your gauge to see how connected you are in this moment.
If you are living a life filled with abundance, joy, love, harmony and prosperity, you are connected — anything less than that, follow these three simple steps to reconnect to the rhythms of your life.
Step One:
Meditation is one of the quickest ways to reconnect.
When you meditate, you are bringing your consciousness out of your head, your mental body, and reconnecting with your Greatness, your Higher Self. It is through this connection to the Highest aspect of who you are at your core, that you can almost Instantly, reconnect!
To reconnect through meditation, find a place of quietness to sit for 15 – 20 minutes.
If you prefer, light a candle, burn your favorite scent and/or play some soft form of music. Sit back and close your eyes while you turn your focus inwards towards your breathing. Connect to the rhythm of your breathing. Feel your chest and abdomen rise and fall with every in breath and exhale.
Give your Self permission to relax your mind.
If you find your mind begins to wander, simply acknowledge the thought and send it away and return your focus to your breath.
Sitting in this way will allow you to calm the racing and wild thoughts running through your mind, which have created your upstream journey. As you spend more and more time in quiet contemplation, you will discover that you Naturally, have reconnect with the Rhythms of Your Life.
Step Two:
Movement is a beautiful way to reconnect with your Greatness!
Movement can mean different things to different people. Movement can be any form of dancing, walking, running, surfing, yoga, in some way connecting with the Earth energies or anything that offers the body an opportunity to release blockages within.
One of my favorite ways to bring the flow of movement into my own daily rhythms, is to play some soft music, close my eyes and let my body move however it chooses to move. Often times it feels as though there are imaginary ribbons in my hands and as I move my arms the ribbons glide gracefully through the air, circling me, embracing me and caressing me as I connect with the rhythm of my own life energy.
Whatever form of movement you choose, the value of movement is two fold.
First, you open your energies up to begin to flow freely and second, you connect to your breathing. It is through this connection to the breath, the breath which sustains all life, that aids you in Connecting to the Rhythms of your Life.
Step Three:
Music is another great way to reconnect, especially when, through your reconnecting purpose, you are connecting to the depths of your Soul!
One of the best forms of music, notes or frequencies to align with, are the Solfeggio frequencies.
These are old, ancient tones used for healing and alignment purposes. There are seven main frequencies each relating to a specific pitch or tone and energy. The most prevalent of the frequencies at this time, is the 528 Hz — more commonly known as the “Love Frequency.”
Listening to just this one frequency daily will aid you in reconnecting with the Rhythm of your Life.
To learn more about these frequencies and how you can promote healing, balance and deepening your connection, please visit the site.
It was through my own inner healing journey did I discover the power of these frequencies! This form of music can bring healing at the cellular level and when you embark on this form of deep inner healing, you quickly become reconnected!
Choose to make this connection.
When you make a conscious choice to honor your Self daily by connecting with the Rhythms of Your Life, it can literally change your life if you open to it! When life is showing you that change is a necessary piece of your movement and rhythm, bend with it and embrace your journey.