About 80% of the American population will suffer from lower back pain at some point in their lifetime.
It can hurt your job performance, enjoyment of leisure time, and even make it difficult to walk or stand.
Millions of Americans will seek out health care professionals for anti-inflammatory drugs, cortizone shots, or even back surgery. Still after all of the pain, suffering, and cost many will be left with the same back pain as when they started.
Causes of lower back pain
There is no question that being overweight will contribute to lower back pain. In addition people that are sitting or standing all day are also prone to low back pain. Any carrying of heavy objects on a consistent basis will also lead to low back pain. This is because the extra weight will compress the spine.
Symptoms can include irritated nerve roots, injured inter vertebral discs, and radiating pain down the leg.
There are many factors that someone should consider before choosing back surgery.
Anyone that is experiencing low back pain should be stretching for ten minutes per day. It can really make a big difference.
A larger investment would be an inversion table. This device will give you the opportunity to turn completely upside down, and get a much deeper and longer stretch than you could on your own.
Treatments for lower back pain
Deep tissue massage is considered a top treatment for low back pain.
The hands on manual therapy of an experienced and knowledgeable massage therapist can not be replaced by pharmaceuticals , and is far more safe and affordable than back surgery. Massage therapists use direct friction to the areas where the muscles attach to the bones, this brings oxygen rich blood supply to the injured areas.
Over time massage therapy will bring the body back to the balance or “homeostasis” that it deserves. What ever type of stretching you choose, a daily dose will be the perfect complement to your massage therapy session.