How are you dancing with life? What dance moves do you possess?
When life throws you a challenge or an obstacle do you embrace the dance or do you blend in as a wallflower?
Let’s face it, if you look around you in our world today, at first glance, you might see lack, scarcity, fear, anger, violence and such. Some see this, day in and day out as it shows up as a reality in the everyday life. Others will see this same world as being filled with love, prosperity, joy and abundance.
Embracing the dance of your everyday life
How can two people see something completely different when viewing the same circumstance?
If you look for a world filled with poverty, you will a world filled with poverty, just as if you look for a filled with love and abundance, you will find that as well.
Yet, you ask, How can this be?
It’s easy!
According to Merriam-Webster, the word “perception” means, Observation, A mental image/concept.
What if you could shift your “perception” of the things you were looking at, even if it was just a small shift in your perception? Do you think that those things you were seeing around you would begin to have a different appearance to you? This is what we refer to as the “Dance.”
When a challenge or an obstacle presents its self to you, how you perceive it, how you show up to face it, is your dance.
- Do you tackle it head on?
- Do you ignore it hoping it will go away?
- Or do you embrace it as a teacher here to teach you something?
I invite you or maybe I challenge you to look in the mirror, to take inventory of what it reflects back to you, Without Judgment. When you face your Self in the mirror without judgment, you free your Self from any self-imposed limitations and restrictions.
Three ways to be fully present in the Now
Three ways in which to embrace the dance of your everyday life to live in the present moment include:
One: You are NOT your emotions, feelings or beliefs
When you find your self faced with the inability to pay a certain bill as it comes due.
What emotions or feeling/belief floods your thoughts? What dance do you participate in? Do you begin the negative self talk about what a loser you are? What a terrible provider you have become? Or use any other negative, self-defeating tools?
This dance has its roots in the ocean of past regrets, past choices, things in your life which cannot be changed.
If this is your dance, shift your perception to NO longer be Identified by those situations and circumstances which are Outside of your Self.
You may include in your dance this affirmation, I Have ALL that I need And MORE. This brings you back to a place of knowing that the world is an abundant place. Knowing that believing you can have all that you need And Want, shifts you out of the past and into the present moment where all gifts are available to be unwrapped.
Two: You are NOT identified by what you Have or do Not Have
If jealousy or envy consume your thoughts, how are you showing up in your dance? How can you embrace the dance to show up in a more positive way?
- “Bad things Always happen to me.”
- “Others have what I want, why can’t I have them too?”
- “Why do they deserve them and obviously I do not.”
Using the positive affirmation, “Who I am is NOT associated with what I have This helps to bring you back to your center, your balance, back into the present moment where Choice now offers you the dance of making a conscious shift in your perception.
Three: Embrace the Attitude of Gratitude
Expressing words such as, “I can’t afford it” or “I don’t have the money for that” are a sure way to repel from you the very thing in which you desire most.
If your dance includes steps from an old movie playing a continuous story of Not having enough it’s time to play music with a fast paced tempo to get things moving! With a shift in perception moves from one of lack to one of gratitude, you begin to see that the world is filled with abundance.
That there is, in fact, More than Enough for Everyone!
The positive affirmation, “I Am Grateful for All Things which Show up in my Dance, I am Grateful to be alive to experience the gifts in Everything.” Beauty, Peace, Joy, Love, Abundance and Prosperity begin to show up in your life.
Even if you feel you have nothing to be grateful for, I encourage you to find just One thing you can shift your perception on and focus on that, whether it be a bed to support you while you slept, blankets to keep you warm, food to nourish and sustain you, a roof over your head,……anything, even if the only thing you have to be grateful for is that you are Alive to live another day!!…
Embrace the dance of Gratitude in All things you do.
Choose to put on a new pair of lenses to see life and as you begin to shift your perception, you will notice that how you show up to dance in your every day life has shifted as well…