With summer in full swing, the entire country is heating up.
As external temperatures in the southwest rise to well above the 100’s, it can’t help but have an affect internally. I can’t help but think of my own emotions with such intense heat.
What changes and transformations are taking place within you?
What old belief, old thought patterns, repetitive emotional stories are being tossed into the fire to become burned away? Perhaps, you continually tell your self the story of ‘not being good enough’ ‘deserving enough’ or you feel ugly or shy? How can the flames of the fire, burn these old beliefs away making way for transformed self storytelling?
Internal and external heat
Often times, with intense heat, the internal body can match the external heat.
This intensity shows up as anger or rage.
While rage is never a good emotion to surrender to, it is healing to address the root cause of rage. Rage is the ‘action’ aspect of anger — in other words, rage is when you are so angry you want to hurt or cause physical pain to another, then you act upon it.
Anger is misdirected, misguided, love.
Typically when you feel anger, it is because something outside of your self, did something, said something or failed to do something in which you held some degree of expectation about or for them.
In other words, if you were expecting another person to say or behave in a certain manner and they did not, you might become angry. Rage steps up to play when you want to get even or make another feel the same type of pain or rejection.
What is one to do, to keep cool when the external and internal thermostat is off the chart?
3 ways to beat the heat…
First – hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
Even if you feel you drink an ample amount of water, the summer heat can drain you quickly.
Emotional outbursts — feeling as though you are a “hot head,” suggests the onset of dehydration. If you find your body temperature or your emotions rising, drink water and give your self time to ‘cool down.’
Second, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
As you sweat, the body looses many nutrients.
Fruits, such as watermelons, mangos, papayas, grapes, strawberries, apples and citrus are great pick-me-ups. One of my most favorite summertime refreshing drinks includes:
- good bottled water
- a whole cucumber cut into thin slices
- one orange, unpeeled, and sliced added to the water.
It’s a cool and refreshing way to beat the external heat.
Third, consider meditation/quiet time.
Meditation helps to bring the body, mind, spirit and soul back into alignment with Source/Creator.
It calms the racing thoughts of the thinking mind. It calms and soothes ruffled nerves and brings one back to balance. Problems and situations cannot be solved by the same mindset in which they were created.
Using some type of meditative technique will bring you into a more balanced internal atmosphere….
Enjoying the heat of summer without the external temperatures affecting your inner heat, is simple when you follow the three ways to beat the internal heat:
- Stay hydrated — when in doubt, drink more water.
- Replace nutrients lost through sweat by enjoying a summer water beverage with fruits and veggies
- Incorporate meditative practices to calm the mind,
By doing this you will help to bring the misguided, misdirected energy of anger back into your center – your center of love.