We all live within limits.
And these limits are set by us, outlining the boundaries of our comfort zone.
Let’s explore how we can eliminate the behaviors that stop the flow of positive energy and feel great all the time.
If your life has improved as much as mine has lately, you want to pay some attention to your old limitations to ensure that you don’t sabotage your new vibrational state of being.
Why do we have limitations?
Each of us has an inner setting that determines how much love, success and creativity we allow ourselves to enjoy. This setting usually gets programmed in early childhood. Once it has been programmed it holds us back from enjoying all the love, financial abundance and creativity that’s rightfully ours.
How do these limitations work, and how can we eliminate these negative effects on us?
The foundation under these limitations is a series of hidden barriers. They all have in common that they seem real and are based on fear and false beliefs about ourselves. The fact that we unconsciously accept them as real is the barrier that’s holding us back. We take them as real until we shine awareness on them. Then the barriers dissolve and we are free.
Limitation No. 1 – Feeling Fundamentally Flawed
The belief that one is fundamentally flawed in some way is an immense barrier to optimal joy. It also brings with it a related fear that if you did fully use your unique gifts, you might fail.
This belief tells you to play it safe and stay small. This way, if you fail, you fail small and in your old comfort zone.
Limitation No. 2 – Disloyalty and Abandonment
This barrier is the feeling that we cannot expand to our full success because it would cause us to end up alone, be disloyal to our roots and leave behind people from our past.
Here are two questions that can help you discover if you have this limitation:
- Did I break my family’s spoken or unspoken rules to get where I am?
- Even though I am successful, did I fail to meet the expectations my parents had of me?
If you answered yes to either of those questions, you’re likely to feel guilty as you become more successful. The guilt you feel makes you put on the brakes, holding you back from ultimate success and keeping you from enjoying the success you already have.
Limitation No. 3 – The Crime of Outshining
The unconscious mantra of the outshining goes like this: “I must not achieve my full success, because if I do I will outshine someone and make him or her look or feel bad”.
Now that you understand the basics of these limitations and its root structure, you are equipped with the context you need to identify when and how you limit yourself and others and how to transcend and utilize the full power of your gifts.
Examples of how we sabotage ourselves
Worrying is usually a sign that we’re limiting ourselves.
Worry is just noise, designed by our unconscious to keep us away from what we want and deserve. When we find ourselves worrying, there is something positive trying to break through. Our worry-thoughts, particularly if we find ourselves repeating the same ones over and over, are a flag waving at us.
Another way we limit ourselves is through blame and criticism.
When we blame someone or something, we’re often doing it because we’ve hit our limits and are trying to stop the flow of positive energy. Self-blame is part of the same pattern as blaming someone else.
Deflection is another common limiting behavior: We stop the flow of positive energy by avoiding it altogether.
Arguments also bring you down when you’ve hit your limits. If you learn to see arguments as symptoms, you can move beyond them.
Finally, when things are going well, some of us have a pattern that is limiting as well. We get sick. Consulting the Akashic Records will assist you to release your subconscious limitations and help you to be successful in all areas of your life.
P.S. Join me for the in person class taking place in Miami on October 18th and 19th. For more details email me to ProfoundGrace@yahoo.com
Wishing you a limitless journey…