A Workshop
Are there certain people in your life you feel upset by, or get into conflicts with? Would you like to be able get yourself out of an emotionally upset (triggered) state, when you get in conflict with someone?
Join us in this free, interactive workshop,
where you’ll learn the Defuse Emotional Triggers Process.
This process is a tool for:
- Defusing unconscious, emotional reactions to conflicts, whether it’s with significant others, children, parents, friends, colleagues… or other life circumstances
- Enabling you to make more conscious choices and decisions, and find more empowered ways forward.
- Living a more centered, peaceful, and conscious life.
You’ll receive a hard copy of this step-by-step process to take home with you.
Come prepared with a conflict in your life that you can use
in learning this hands-on process.
Taught by: Dr. Jane Ilene Cohen
Dr. Cohen is an Intuitive & Transformational Counselor, an NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) & TimeLine Master Practitioner, and a Hypnotherapist. She has had a private counseling practice for 23 years (currently in Encinitas), where she works with adults, children, couples, and other relationships. Her doctorate is in Transpersonal Counseling. JaneCohenCounseling.com (760) 753-0733
When: Thursday, November 8th @ 1:00-2:30pm
San Marcos Senior Center Activity Center
111 Richmar Avenue
San Marcos, CA 92069
Be sure to call (760) 744-5535 to RSVP and reserve you spot