Anger, whether known or repressed, can make you ill!
Yes, it’s true.
Some of the more common ailments, as shared by author Louise Hay in her book You Can Heal Your Life, shows how the deep emotion of anger can have an adverse effect upon your health.
Anger and your health
The following is a partial list of some of the most common ailments as outlined in her book:
- Bursitis – repressed anger
- Carpal tunnel/wrists – anger/frustration at life’s seeming injustices
- Cellulite – stored anger/self punishment
- Cold sores – festering angry words/fear of speaking them
- Dry eyes – angry eyes/refusing to see with love
- Liver problems – liver is the seat of anger and rage
- Hyperthyroidism – rage at being left behind
- Infection – irritation, anger,
- “itis” – anger and frustration about life’s current situations
- Jaw problems – anger/resentment
- Kidney stones – lumps of undissolved anger
- Sprains – anger/resistance
Many teachers/healers have falsely identified “anger” as a “negative” emotion, one in which you should never feel. Anger is neither “good or bad” — anger is simply an emotional reaction based upon a personal belief system. A system, which was learned by you at a very early age or through a conditioned belief brought upon you by society, religious upbringing and your environment.
Often times as children we are taught to NOT feel anger, that it is in some way a “bad thing.”
However, this belief is quite possibly making you ill! The key is learning to fully Feel your anger, allow it to run it’s energetic course through you and all the way out of you, without you reacting to it!
How can you do this?
How can you feel the emotion of anger without reacting or suppressing the anger in which you feel?
Anger is the polar opposite of Love. It is the same emotion as love, just holding a lower frequency than love.
Anger/Love and the heart meridian
Both the emotions of love and anger are governed by the Heart Meridian.
To balance your emotions, first you must gain awareness and understanding of what it means by “polar opposites.” Think of a straight line, the end of the line to the right, represents Love. The end of the line to the left represents anger and directly in the center is neutrality.
When your emotions of filled with love, you are residing somewhere to the right of center, just the same as when you are filled with the emotion of anger, you are somewhere to the left of center. The Key, then becomes to surrender any resistance you may feel, any guilt or self-punishing behaviors when your residing to the left of center.
Learning to become neutral, in the center.
You become grounded, balanced and more consciously connected to your emotions. Practicing this “balancing act” will teach you how to avoid the pitfalls of swinging emotions.
Dr. John Diamond, in his book Life Energy: Using the Meridians to Unlock the Hidden Power of Your Emotions, suggests to first strengthen the thymus by tapping on its center. The thymus is located between the center of your chest and the base of your throat.
This serves as nature’s reset button.
Your emotions are your body’s way of communicating with you letting you know that something is off.
Isn’t it time to begin to pay attention and learn the language of your own body? Isn’t it time to become proactive in the state of your own health instead of simply quieting your “symptoms” or silencing the communication between you and your body?
Forgiveness of Self is key in releasing anger.
Anger is just ONE emotion that will manifest within your body.
Fear, stress, having/needing control, stuck or rigidity, decision making abilities, lack of joy, resistance to change, Resentment, frustration, loss, sexual guilt or pressure are just a handful of the emotions that are making you ill when left unaddressed.