Yes, it’s true!
We all have a have a basic understanding now that our thoughts create our “world,” that our thoughts hold power. Yet, often times, become challenged in the ways we express this understanding in our physical reality! There is a common belief that to experience Vibrant Health, one must Always live a “happy life!”
This is a misnomer!
Forcing your Self to live from a state of happiness, without, first experiencing what ails or blocks you, eventually, crumbles along with your foundation! Pretending or “faking it till you make it” only instills a sense an inner imbalance.
This sets up the perfect playground for dis-ease and illness to take hold.
What can you do to create unity, harmony and balance within, where vibrant health becomes your new, norm?
It’s easy, simply follow these 3 steps!
Three steps to achieving vibrant health
Step One – Give your Self permission to Feel/Experience whatever emotion has surfaced for you!
For example, if you are feeling, hurt, angry, upset, betrayed, attacked…whatever you feel that someone said or did “to you” that made you feel this emotion. Just Feel it!
Really, open to feeling it.
Allow your Self to become the fullest expression of the emotion. It’s doesn’t mean that you act out against another or your self, for that matter. It only means that you allow your self to feel what is taking place internally!
This one step alone will create an awareness greater than you’ve ever experienced before. You will feel things that shift and change your reality!
Because you have suppressed them for eons and now you’ve given them a voice, a way in which to be heard! There is power in being heard.
Step Two – Look into the Mirrors!
All things you are feeling, every thought, belief and old pattern you hold within you are mirrored back to you through outside situations, circumstances and happenings! If someone says something to you that brings up an emotional charge, this is a Mirror! If someone behaves in way that leaves you judging them, this is a Mirror.
Mirrors, if left un-looked upon, lower your frequency and creates weak patterns of low vibrations, which lead to dis-ease and illness!
Mirrors bring to you a greater understanding of a necessary healing within you needing to take place! When you become awake and aware to your external surroundings, you begin to embrace the dance the mirrors bring to you!
Don’t be afraid to look in the mirrors!
The mirror is your friend if you intend to heal what ails you and move into a place of Vibrant Health!
Step Three – Stand in the frequency of love!
Love cures all! Love heals all!
Love truly does create miracles! Many times love is perceived as an “act of affection” when in reality, love is merely a frequency, a High vibration of light!
As you work through step one, you allow your self to feel whatever emotion surfaces for you, step two, you understand that everything in your life is to help show you how and where your next level of growth is taking place, then in step three, you step into a blissful place of surrendering all to the highest frequency of divine love! Love is our natural state of balance, it is what we each intended to find, to discover, to awaken to when we chose to participate in this earth walk.
Whatever ailment you may have at any given moment of your life, know that the mirror being reflected back to you, is your greatest teacher, showing you how to return to Love! Love is the frequency where all things are possible!
Love is the frequency that returns you to your natural state, to Vibrant Health.
Love truly is the Key!