Here’s why…
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
~ Albert Einstein
It’s been just over a week since making all of those resolutions and promises to yourself. So how are you doing?
Chances are you’ve already slipped back, cheated, missed a day, or have already given up altogether, chalking up this “fresh start” as another dismal failure. The good news is, you’re not alone. By this time, 90-95% of all resolution makers have already broken their good-intentioned self-proclaimed contracts or are quickly losing steam on their way to completely caving in.
The bad new is, being in the company of the miserable majority doesn’t get you any closer to achieving your goals.
So why does keeping resolutions seem to be so difficult?
The problem with “resolutions”
Well, first you must look at the word itself.
“Resolution” can be broken down into its base derivatives “resolve” or “resolute”, both of which are just expressions of the same thing – sheer determination, steadfast dedication, bold conviction… In one word – WILLPOWER! And unless you are one of the select few born with an unwavering tenacity for crushing every obstacle in your way on the road to self-mastery, chances are it is the lack of willpower that got you into your current mess in the first place.
And now you are trying to use that same willpower to get yourself out?
Just think about it for a moment…
Why are you unhealthy, overweight, or out of shape? Because of the lack of willpower to keep your body & mind in a healthy state to begin with. Why are you disorganized? Because of the lack of willpower to maintain your mind & environment in an orderly condition. Finances? When was the last time you actually wrote down and analyzed all of your debts, expenses, and spending habits? All it takes is the will to do so and to make the proper changes. Relationships? Truth be told, if you have toxic people in your life, it’s because of the lack of willpower that you haven’t already walked away from them by now.
While there certainly are some grey areas surrounding all of theses subjects, you get the point.
If you possessed the willpower, resolve, or determination to improve yourself, you would have already done so, or at least be already progressing. It is highly improbable that you will ignite something through a well-meaning resolution that just isn’t there to begin with.
So does this mean you are doomed to a “quiet life of desperation” or otherwise stuck on your road to ruin for the remainder of your days?
Not at all!
You just have to change your perspective by taking a glance in your rearview mirror instead of white-knuckling it through every pothole & rockslide you see through your windshield. Simply stated, you’ve got to see how you got to where you are in the first place. For humans, our mirror is the subconscious mind.
The power of “programs”
Just like a computer, tablet, or smartphone, everything you do on a daily basis is the result of the “programs” installed on your operating system, better known as your subconscious mind. These programs are your beliefs about yourself, about others, and about the world.
Each and every day, you act accordingly and automatically in complete agreement with those beliefs.
Your willpower is associated with your conscious, waking mind – the one that makes all of those resolutions. But because your subconscious is many times stronger than your conscious, it takes tremendous and relentless strength of will to make those positive & lasting changes. So when you “resolve” to make all of those new year improvements, you’re already playing a game with the deck stacked against you.
The key to success is not by brute force determination and willpower – it’s by subterfuge.
It’s by looking into the mirror at the reflection of your subconscious limiting beliefs to discover the unwanted programs that led you to this uncomfortable place to begin with! Once you see the dirt, then you can get to work “cleaning house.”
To do this, you need the proper tools.
How EFT can help
One of those tools is EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques. EFT is a form of energy meridian tapping that combines the ancient healing art of acupressure with modern psychology.
Also known as tapping, this method stimulates the body’s meridian points using the fingertips while verbally addressing the root causes of an issue, allowing energy blockages and their emotional components to release and subside. Not only does tapping have an immediate relaxation effect, it also allows for the disassociation of negative emotions from past events, future anxieties, and limiting subconscious beliefs as well.
By removing the energy blocks, old thought patterns, and negatively charged emotions that are preventing you from fulfilling your new year resolutions, you have a much higher chance of success in achieving them!
It’s also a much gentler and less stressful process as well.
Continuing to force positive changes into your life through the use of your willpower while your subconscious programming is telling you otherwise is like treading water or trying to swim upstream. Not only do you just end up exhausted without any forward progress, but you also start beating yourself up and playing the blame game for your failures, which just makes things even worse.
Working with an EFT practitioner or otherwise learning EFT yourself helps to remove the mental and energetic obstacles holding you back, allowing you to go with the flow on the River of Life towards your goals and aspirations. If you “resolve” to do anything, make a decision to book a session with an EFT practitioner or explore the many resources currently available on the internet.
Doesn’t that sound like a better plan?