Summer is almost officially here. So many beautiful flowers are in bloom. There is new growth all around us. In this time of new growth and positive energy, please remember that LOVE is the healing energy. Let us all spread more love each and every day and release all of the hate ... Continued
How to Become Spiritually Balanced
As we start the New Year maybe you've already set up, and broken, one or several resolutions. Look, it happens. But rather than beat yourself up (again?) for another New Year's resolution down the tubes, why not discover the steps for finally finding, and achieving, ... Continued
How Does Reiki Work?
From time to time people ask about Reiki (in particular) and energy healing (in general). And most questions fall into two main categories: what is it, and how does it work. I've been fortunate enough to know a few energy healers personally, and over that time I've come to ... Continued
A Healing Reiki Session
In this video you'll have the opportunity to see a Reiki healing session take place. Reiki has become more popular and mainstream, as people recognize how energy healing can help you relax, de-stress, and works for a range of health conditions like chronic ... Continued
Energy Healing and Reiki for Depression
First of all, in the first few seconds I felt so peaceful watching his face and listening to his voice. Simply beautiful. Whether you believe in energy healing (or not), open your mind to the reality that energy fills our body, and our universe. And the key for optimal ... Continued