We all live with some amount of stress. You are well-aware that you are feeling stressed out when you feel overwhelmed. You have deadlines looming, your mind starts racing, you don't sleep well, your appetite vanishes, and your digestion is in an uproar. You may think of ... Continued
Archives for July 2011
Three Key Stress Reduction Tips
Summer is here -- and that means many places have already begun to feel the heat. As high temperatures soar up towards the triple digits outside, far too often the signs of the inner "pressure cooker" remain hidden in silence. Often times the early signs of stress go ... Continued
How to Travel and Survive When Living Gluten Free
Traveling when you are highly sensitive to gluten, or any other common food ingredient for that matter, is a challenge. We live in a gluten-filled world! The consequences of becoming ill can be severe. It can take up to a week for symptoms to appear. The illness can then ... Continued
Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture for Lower Back Pain
Pain in the lower back is one of the most common problems acupuncturists see in the clinic. It can be severe enough to lay some people out flat on the floor or it can show up as a general achiness that never seems to quit. Either way, lower back pain has the ability to ruin ... Continued
What Type of Massage is Right for You?
Many people have become informed of the health benefits of massage therapy. However, they may not understand which type of massage may be right for them. Massage therapy sessions take place in many different environments, and there are an endless number of techniques that ... Continued