Holistic medicine and so-called "alternative" medicine or therapies are really about providing you with a choice. You can choose to treat chronic pain with pain killers, or you can try holistic medicine. Some well known therapies might include chiropractic, acupuncture and ... Continued
Archives for September 2015
Massage for Sciatica can Effectively Reduce Pain
Do you suffer with lower back or leg pain caused by sciatica? If so you're not alone. In fact, my wife often suffers with lower back pain that requires treatment about 3 or 4 times each month. In this video you'll see how massage works for sciatica pain and what you can do to ... Continued
Here’s an Example of Poison Ivy Hypnosis
Apparently hypnosis can help to decrease sensitivity and increase immunity from poison ivy. I know what you're thinking... really? So when my friend Mark asked me to check out his latest video that shows a "before and after" look at someone he recently treated for poison ... Continued
Here’s a Jamaican Soursop (Guanabana) Juice Recipe
I just recently heard about this fruit from my wife who was talking to me about someone she knows with cancer. He's been eating the fruit for about a month or so, along with drinking Essiac tea, and according to her he's apparently doing much better and has regained his ... Continued
Here are Some Foods that Improve Memory
Looking for foods that will help to improve your memory? You're not alone. Aside from taking supplements here are some foods you can consume to help you feel healthier and your memory to improve. Aside from vegetables, fruits and fish are also good to add to your ... Continued