You may already know that spirulina is an amazing source of protein. And finding healthy (and alternative) sources for protein when you're a vegetarian can sometimes be a challenge. The issue I had when I first tried spirulina was finding a way to incorporate it into smoothies ... Continued
Archives for July 2017
Astro-Tip of the Week for 7.11.17
The Full moon in Capricorn a few days ago was a big one for the death of old beliefs and structures, as it was joined up with Pluto (the planet of alchemy, transformation and rebirth) and across from Mars, the warrior of action. We are truly in a rapid state of ascension ... Continued
Astro-Tip of the Week for 7.4.17
We start the week with Mercury still in Cancer, but moving into Leo this week, which should provide some mental relief to the current emotional zaps and bogs of all this watery energy. Mars in Cancer can already slow stuff down, but now Chiron has stationed retrograde in ... Continued