The pressure is on right now and it seems that collectively Scorpio season is truly pushing people over the edge. There really are two options — release resistance to change or get pushed over the ledge.
Uranus is currently facing off to Venus, which could be creating tension or the desire to play the blame-game in your relationships or it may even present itself as fears/blocks to money or prosperity. You are not a victim of circumstance unless you choose to be. The astrology right now is creating a lot of pressure to take personal responsibility for what isn’t working in our lives and stop blaming things on our past pain or challenges (Saturn still squaring Chiron for awhile longer).
Be mindful of your own projections.
- Do you have a tendency to avoid taking full personal accountability for where things may not be going as you wish in your life?
- Are you using your relationships as teachers and to show you the aspects of yourself you have yet to accept?
Resistance is a sign of fear, denial or not trusting the process.
We are here to evolve and typically the most challenging, painful times are when we are going through accelerated periods of healing. North Node is squaring the Sun, creating a real push towards your highest potential.
Let the old die. Let what’s not serving your highest good go.
Be willing to be radically honest with yourself about where you may be holding onto baggage as a form of self-sabotage because change is scaring you or the unknown is freaking you out.
Change happens in the darkest spaces.
“If all you can do is crawl, start crawling.”
~ Rumi
As the quote this week says, a small step towards acknowledgement or awareness is better than total refusal to see your truth.
Astrology Basics 101
Learn the basics of astrology at your own pace in an easy-to-follow, 4-Module format for only $79.
This video e-course consists of 4 webinar replays from my original live class (each around 90 minutes) + 4 PDF presentations (one for each module) to learn the basics of how to read an astrology natal chart.
There is also a private Facebook group included as part of this program for additional support, learning and practice with other students. (The link to join will be in your welcome email upon purchase.)
For more info click HERE.