Arm and neck pain can be aggravating due to how important your arms and neck are throughout your everyday routine. Depending on how much pain you are in, then you may want to seek out some immediate ways to alleviate the pain that you are dealing with. These seven ways are ... Continued
Legitimate Alternative Medicine Is Not a Free-For-All
Practicing something like acupuncture or chiropractic back in the 1970s and 80s was a risky business. Alternative medical practitioners were largely considered quacks, not worthy of any recognition among the mainstream medical community. Thankfully, a lot has changed over the ... Continued
The Link Between Jogging and Back Pain
Do you experience back pain after running or jogging? If so, it's possible that improper breathing is the cause of your problems. Watch this video on a type of low back pain manifested through running and poor breathing... Poor breathing, also known as dysfunctional ... Continued
How to Overcome Lower Back Pain
What is back pain stopping you from doing? Watch this video on a type of low back pain known as facet syndrome. Facet Syndrome can develop from repetitive stress or cumulative low level trauma like running or walking on concrete. Some symptoms of facet syndrome include: ... Continued
Range of Motion Issues?
At Kocken Chiropractic we strongly encourage motion, as many of you know from your adjustments! Motion is vital to health and overall well-being. Not being able to complete a global motion such as bending over or turning your neck is clearly a hindrance and has the ... Continued