There are many expressions which represent love. And there is a specific frequency which love vibrates with. All things in nature vibrate at a certain frequency. Just as with all things there is energy found within, including our thoughts. The vibration of Love is one of the ... Continued
Positive Thinking Techniques: The Palace of Possibilities
According to Gary Craig, founder of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), we all live in a Palace of Possibilities. This “palace” is a huge mansion with multiple rooms which represent all of our potential. However, many of us only use a small part of this potential because we ... Continued
Preparing for Spring Cleaning & Spiritual Renewal
Cleaning out your mental closets as well as your physical closets. Can you sense it yet? The birds are beginning to sing. Trees are beginning to show signs of new growth and new life is beginning to show as it makes its way through the snow covered grounds. Spring is such a ... Continued
A Fresh Approach to New Year Goals
Here you are, another new year and another opportunity to make promises and commitments to your Self that you know you probably won’t keep. Yet you continue to make them year after year. What were your resolutions? Did you know that losing weight, that few extra pounds, ... Continued
Reiki Spiritual Healing – Discovering Your Inner Truth
Let me start off and say that Reiki is NOT a religion. There are those who may continue to argue that there is no difference between “religion and spirituality” and I disagree. I was reminded by a very dear friend of mine who says, as a Christian woman, she has discovered for ... Continued