In this short video you'll discover which foods to eat, and which ones to avoid, to keep your skin looking young, healthy and beautiful. For starters, foods rich in beta-carotenes such as carrots, yams, and green leafy veggies are great for your skin. So is staying hydrated ... Continued
Archives for September 2015
A Natural Treatment for High Blood Pressure
Here is an interesting video I found when looking for a natural treatment for high blood pressure. Now, if you are under the care of a doctor do not stop taking your medications or other treatment plans without consulting with him or her first. And if you are looking for ... Continued
A Case Study for Weight Loss Acupuncture
In this video taken from E News a woman shares how she lost 30 pounds through acupuncture. As you'll see acupuncture works by activating points along certain channels in your body. Some points are for relaxation, some for allergies, some for your metabolism and others to help ... Continued
Powerful and Practical Positive Thinking Exercises
You've probably heard of Tony Robbins before. I first saw him on an infomercial after I got out of the Air Force around 1990 or 91. I have to admit that he caught my attention and those 20 or 30 minutes watching him helped me to realize just how negative my mood and thinking ... Continued
How to Stop Bad Habits
In this video you'll see how you can change any habit quickly and easily. It all starts by changing one variable. What does that mean? We tend to live life according to a routine. And these routines become unconscious, habitual. To shake things up a bit make changes to your ... Continued