Colostrum is known as the first milk from a mammal and is a thick yellowy fluid. It contains valuable nutrients, calories, and immunoglobulins. Colostrum is available in supplement form and has been shown to have certain benefits. The form that is available in supplements ... Continued
The Benefits of Green Tea
Camellia sinensis - also known as green tea - can be made into extracted forms to increase its potency and therapeutic effects. An extract is made by extracting out the potent medicinal properties found in green tea and then encapsulating them into supplements. So what ... Continued
Alternative Treatments for GERD
Have you ever wanted to go for spicy food, but fear the impending heartburn? You are not alone. In the US 42 percent of the population suffers from gastro-esophageal reflux (GERD) or also known as heart burn (1). GERD is typically a condition in which acid from the stomach ... Continued
Melatonin as a Natural Treatment for Insomnia?
We live in a world where 10% of the adult population suffers from chronic insomnia which affects people’s psychomotor performance, causes sleepiness, accidents, and memory impairment(3). Shift workers are also in this situation where they cannot sleep during normal hours and ... Continued