I recently ran across a video that suggested how men over 40 (or 50?) shouldn't eat peanuts because they supposedly raised your risk factor for colon cancer. So I decided to do some digging and here is another video I found by Dr. Sam Robbins who explains why you should avoid ... Continued
Is Olive Oil Heart Healthy?
If you're like me you've heard of the Mediterranean diet. One of the keys to this diet is using olive oil rather than other oils when it comes to cooking or seasoning your food. And because of this (fact or myth) I only use extra virgin olive oil. But the fact remains, how ... Continued
The Truth About Dairy?
How important is dairy with respect to your diet? I'll admit to having a bowl of cereal (with milk, of course) from time to time. And I do use Greek yogurt and milk in my morning smoothie. So this doctor's recommendation hit a bit close to home. I hope you found this ... Continued
Do You Know Where Your Food is Grown?
I'm sure you've heard the phrase "farm to table"about a million times... But who's farm? The one down the road, the ones in southern California or a farm in a distant country like Venezuela or China? And what about "think global, act local?" Another good one, right? In ... Continued
A Tasty Spirulina Milkshake Recipe (Really)
You may already know that spirulina is an amazing source of protein. And finding healthy (and alternative) sources for protein when you're a vegetarian can sometimes be a challenge. The issue I had when I first tried spirulina was finding a way to incorporate it into smoothies ... Continued