When it comes to having type 2 diabetes, which is on the rise in this country, the question is whether exercise can help. And to what extent should people with type 2 diabetes work out. Are you ready for some sobering statistics. Right now the American Diabetes Association ... Continued
Archives for December 2012
Your Energetic Body – Becoming Aligned with Your Physical Body
Aligning with your physical body may have an odd ring to — especially it if you're unfamiliar with your physical body serving as a road map to the hidden treasures within. You are more than what you see in the mirror! And by gaining a better understanding of this you will ... Continued
7 Healthy Foods to Eat With Diabetes
When it comes to having diabetes you probably already know that you need to watch what you eat. However, some foods are better for you — and healthier as well. In this article we're going to examine the health benefits of 7 foods to consider adding to your diet, whether you ... Continued
Dispelling Yoga Myths: Yoga for Men?
This is the third article in a 5-part series of debunking some common (and universal) myths about yoga. Ladies, this one will focus on something you may have heard while trying to persuade your husband to join your yoga class. Or gents — you may have been met with this ... Continued
Liquid Iron: An Easy and Tasty Way to Increase Your Iron Level
Need to increase your iron level? A friend and wellness buddy of mine, Sophia, sent me a text that said: "I have a friend who just had a blood transfusion because her body does not absorb iron very well. Doctors have no answers other then to come back every so often for ... Continued